Was gibt's Neues in FileList?
Version 4.4
- Über das Schlüsselwort "FixColumn" können Benutzer nun Spalten mit konstantem Inhalt hinzufügen, z.B. um Formatierungen einzuhalten. Hierzu kann in den Parametern /ADDITIONALCOLUMNS sowie /USECOLUMNS an der gewünschten Stelle FixColumn 'Bezeichner' hinzugefügt werden.
Version 4.3.2
- Die Datumswerte einiger Spalten konnten je nach Zeitzone fehlerhaft ausgegeben werden. Dieser Fehler wurde korrigiert.
- Die Konfiguration für /DateFormat wirkt sich nun auch auf Datumswerte von Windows-Spalten aus.
Version 4.3.1
- Bestimmte numerische Spalten wie „Dauer“ werden jetzt wieder richtig formatiert.
- Der Speicherverbrauch beim Auflisten von Ordnern wurde stark reduziert.
- Ein Fehler bei der Ausgabe der Autoren wurde korrigiert.
- Es wurden weitere kleinere Korrekturen und Verbesserungen vorgenommen.
Version 4.3
- FileList kann nun auch die Anzahl der Ordner und Dateien in einem Ordner ausgeben.
- Die Ausgaben von FileList sind immer im UTF-8 Format, angekündigt durch das BOM (byte order mark). Mit der neuen Option /NOUTF8BOM kann dieser nun ausgelassen werden.
- Der Support für Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2 wurde mit dieser Version eingestellt.
Version 4.2
- FileList now supports to enumerate ZIP-files. Simply provide the path to the ZIP-file as if it was a folder. You can even address folders within the ZIP-file this way.
- The sSupport for Windows Vista / Server 2008 has been dropped.
- A folder which has been excluded using /EXCLUDE will no longer be enumerated.
- For EML, EXE and DLL files, the "Author" column now shows available values of the file.
- The /PRINTSHELLCOLUMNLIST parameter now includes all shell properties FileList can handle, not just the columns available for the folder.
- Filters containing wildcards within a drive name will now take effect as expected.
Version 4.1.1
- FileList will no longer calculate extensions for folder names which contain periods.
- The prompt to close FileList when starting without parameters is now written to the error stream.
Version 4.1
- FileList can now include all columns supported by Windows Explorer
- The calculation for the directory level has been adjusted to match the values used in TreeSize. A file which had previously been listed with a directory level of 0 would now show on level 1. This also affects the options /MinLevel and /MaxLevel
- You can now include the summarized information of the targeted directory by using /MinLevel 0 and an attribute filter which would include folders.
- The filter options have been extended and now allow to specify separate /INCLUDE and /EXCLUDE filters.
- Bugfix: Files excluded using /Maxlevel did not count towards the size of their containing folders. They are now taken into account again.
- The product icon for FileList has been updated.
Version 4.0
- Support for Windows XP / Server 2003 has been dropped.
- The column selection has been completely overhauled and enhanced:
- Using the new parameter /USECOLUMNS, you may now specify an explicit list of columns to show. This allows you not only to override the default columns, but also to specify the order in which the columns would appear.
- The parameter /ADDITIONALCOLUMNS replaces the previous option /COLUMNS and may still be used to add view types to the predefined set of columns.
- Increased precision for the allocated size: FileList now handles resident data and modern compression algorithms correctly.
- Using /DATEFORMAT, you can now choose one of several date formats to use with date values. This parameter extends and replaces the /ISO option.
- The /LISTSEPARATOR parameter has been enhanced and now supports the tabulator also. Using /LISTSEPARATOR TAB, the quotes for textual columns will also be omitted.
- With the new parameter /MAXDATE, you may now specify a maximum change date for files. Only files which have been changed before this date will be displayed.
- Improvement: The overall performance has been increased.
- Improvement: Some temporary files are known to have very long, random name endings. These fictitious name endings are no longer considered to be an extension.
- Bugfix: The column "File version" now displays the file version from EXE and DLL files, and no longer the product version. The advantage of the file version is that it typically has more digits and a fixed format, while the product version can be any text.
Version 3.3
- FileList now scans mobile devices. Simply access your device using "This PC\MyDevice" as path.
- With the new parameter /MAXLEVEL you may now specify a maximum directory level to be enumerated.
- Using /MINLEVEL, you can now specify a minimum directory level.
- Added option /PATHLENGTH which adds an additional column with the length of full path of file or folder.
- Use /MINPATHLENGTH to show only files whose full path has at least the specified length.
- Added short parameters for common parameters to enhance the workflow.
- Improvement: The console help has been completely renewed. It now provides more information about the available functions.
Version 3.2.1
- Bugfix: Files without attributes were not listed if * was defined as AttributeFilter. This is no longer the case.
Version 3.2
- The error management of FileList has been improved, exit codes have been added.
- The new parameter /COLUMNS that adds a comma-separated set of columns to the output has been introduced.
- Bugfix: Symbolic links can now be included in the FileList output.
- Bugfix: The directory level is now calculated correctly.
- Bugfix: Sparse files and folders were not listed if "L" was defined as AttributeFilter.
- A few minor fixes and improvements have been incorporated.
Version 3.1
- FileList is now also able to export Folder information.
- Introduced new Attribute Filters: Offline (O), Sparse (P), Directory (D), All Files and Folders (*).
Version 3.0
- You can now use /ISO to display file dates in ISO format.
- Added seconds to time values.
- Improvement: use /FRN to output an additional column with the NTFS file reference number.
- With /DIRLEVEL the depth of any file can be displayed.
- Type /NOTITLE to omit the task descriptions but not the column headers.
- Improved Filters: /ATTRIBUTEFILTER filters files by their file attributes.
- Added option /MINDATE to define a change date. Only files which have been changed after this date will be displayed.
- FileList is now using the extremely fast search technology of UltraSearch. The scanning speed has increased about 25% by working directly on the NTFS file system.
- It's now possible to scan file systems of other machines in your local network by using their names.