Better Tree Managament for Your Software App
More than a decade of development have created one of the most flexible and advanced Delphi treeview controls available today! Virtual Treeview does not read the data it manages except its size, not even the captions of a node. Everything is retrieved from the application via events or descendants via overridden methods.
Virtual Treeview has already proven its concept as well as its great usability in many commercial products and freeware projects.
Visual Tour
Essentials for Handling Virtual Treeview
Although we have taken Virtual TreeView under our wing, the control remains open source. Would you like to contribute? You are welcome! We always look for help, not only for the development of the Virtual Treeview control itself, but also for maintaining the sample projects, the help or the wiki.
Virtual Treeview is using a double licensing scheme. You can either choose Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1) or GNU Lesser General Public License.
Public Source Code Repository and Issue Tracker
Virtual Treeview is hosted on GitHub. You will find the latest code there. Please report issues on the GitHub page.
There is a set of design and runtime packages for each supported IDE version, which can easily be opened to compile and install the control in the IDE. Virtual Treeview supports the following IDEs: Delphi / RAD Studio XE3 - 10.2.3 Tokyo Follow the instruction in the included file INSTALL.txt
Technical Support
Please do not contact developers or JAM Software for technical support. Please try to get support from the community e.g. at Stack Overflow, Delphi Pages, Delphi Praxis or Embarcadero forums. Please do not use the issue tracker for getting support, only for reporting true bugs (see below).
Reporting Bugs
First of all, please make sure you are using the latest official version. When reporting a bug please include a sample project that allows us to quickly reproduce the bug. This can also be one of the demo projects that come with Virtual Treeview, modified to show the bug. If only small changes are required, a description is sufficient how a demo projects needs to be changed in order to replicate the bug. If you already have a solution, please supply a patch file or make a pull request.
More Information and Documents
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